We are eagerly seeking new trustees for the Kisumu Children Trust!
Please do explore our website to see the full extent of our work but in a nutshell, we are a Christian charity seeking to improve the lives of desperately poor children and their families in Kisumu, Kenya.
We do this by:
– running a high quality Children’s Home for orphaned, abandoned, lost or abused children
– working with the local community to feed children who would otherwise be at risk of starvation
– supporting children through school to give them the opportunity to change their lives and have a future free from poverty
– we are also now working to bring training and education to the families of these children to help parents grow and achieve in order to better support their children themselves.
As a board member you will play a key role in the strategic direction of the charity. Every charity must have legal guardians and the trustees work together to perform that role. Our trustees usually meet once a month via Zoom, or sometimes in person, to discuss current matters and make decisions. As the name suggests, you will act in a position of trust for the community that the charity serves in Kisumu, Kenya, and for the supporters of the charity. Collectively the trustees are responsible for the effective governance of the charity and ultimately report to the Charities Commission of the UK where the charity is registered.
We are seeking a variety of skills and experience to join our board of trustees including Finance, Project Management, Operations Management, Human Resources, Legal, Governance, Agriculture, Education, Youth, Fundraising, International Development or any skills which will bring value to the charity and the Kisumu community.
Trustee Personal Specification:
1. Have an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the sole benefit of Kisumu Children Trust (KCT).
2. Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations amongst the Board, committees, staff and community
3. Be aged over 18 years old and not be disqualified from acting as a Director under Companies Act or Charites Act law.
4. Be a practicing Christian (or be sympathetic to the Christian faith) as we are a Christian organisation
Trustee Duties and Responsibilities:
1. An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship;
2. A commitment to selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership;
3. Serve as an active advocate and ambassador for KCT and be committed to the work and ethos of KCT;
4. Understand and monitor the organisation’s financial affairs and protect and manage the property of the charity, ensuring the proper investment of the charities funds;
5. Understand and maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of KCT;